Ideas need time to steep

Epistemic status: Mostly derived from personal experience, so YMMV.

Writing and thinking requires time. Patience is absolutely necessary.

In this sense, it’s a lot like making tea. There’s a process to it, and even while making it at home, some ceremony is required. First, you hear the water. Then, you prepare the vessel and the ingredients. When the water temperature is just right, you pour it into the vessel.

And then comes the most important part of the process. The tea is left to steep in the water, so that its aromas and flavors can be extracted and spread throughout the water. The longer you give it, the stronger the tea.

Ideas need a similar ceremony. You must prepare yourself to receive ideas. You must gather the right ingredients in your mind. Then you need to let it steep. Let the things you have experienced, the thoughts you have absorbed, be extracted and spread throughout your mind. Give them time to be become stronger, to be given shape.

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