My sleep routine

Epistemic status: This has been derived by some research a lot of personal experimentation. Take it with a grain of salt, but some of the points here are well-established best practices.

The following has been distilled mostly from Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams and a lot of trial and error:

  1. Try to go to sleep - and to wake up - at roughly the same time every day (weekends included)

  2. iPhone has a custom Sleep Focus enabled from 9:50pm to 06:45am, with:

    • No apps allowed

    • No calls allowed except from my partner

    • Home screen only shows Calm (for the occasional wind-down exercise)

  3. Laptop must be turned off and back at the office

  4. No other screens allowed, except for maybe the Kindle

  5. Optional: Do some light journaling using pen and paper if there are stray thoughts that need to be sorted

  6. Read a book - non-negotiable

  7. Take a hot shower before going to bed; it helps to relax, and to lower the body temperature

  8. Spray some Twilight Body Spray on pillow; it’s a little silly but the smell really is soothing

  9. Optional: Wear Loop Quiet ear plugs if feeling anxious or neighbors are being especially noisy

  10. Optional: Wear a padded sleep mask if partner wants to read

  11. Last resort: Take ½-1 Ambien - this isn’t a real fix, as the quality of the sleep is overall much worse. But it beats thrashing about and feeling anxious


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