Reduce & Simplify
This phrase is borrowed from Jack Baty who set it as a resolution for 2024. I’ve been turning it over my head as I’m going through the Capacities → Obsidian migration. Using the least tools possible is a great way to Reduce friction. Make the most of what you have already, Choose the how once and stick with it.
A practical example: looking for how to handle Clippings in Obsidian, I made some movement towards Deploying a minimal self-hosted Omnivore using and It appeals to my preference for self-hosted apps, and my love of tinkering with stuff.
Turns out, Feedbin has had a read later feature since 2019. Setting it up with Reeder was a breeze, and there’s a bookmarklet. So that’s a solved problem using tools I know well and plan to continue using until the heat death of the Sun.
One of the ways to reduce friction is to Reduce & Simplify.
Make time for yourself. Even if there’s someone in your life that will do it for you, do...
Generally speaking, bookmarks tend to fall into a few distinct categories: Things I want to read/watch/listen to later...