Weight loss commandments
Epistemic status: Extremely personal, based on things that have worked in the past.
- absolutely no processed foods (i.e. chips, chocolates, cookies, cakes, etc), ever
- no sodas, no iced teas; juice is fine, in moderation
- drink lots of water. A. B. S. Always be sipping
- smaller portions. i’m writing this down again and again because it’s so important: smaller portions. smaller. portions
- find healthy, varied snacks, eat them throughout the day (fruit, seeds, almonds, those healthy bar things, etc.) this will feed back into step 4
- eat something green in EVERY MEAL. could be soup, could be a salad, whatever. make sure there’s some green stuff on the plate
- weight yourself once per week. pick a time and a day, do it in a consistent manner
- if you go out to a cafe, absolutely no cakes or baked goods of any time. this will be difficult, but stick with it, carbs are hard to let go but once you do you’ll see the difference
- park your car further away, get up during the day, go for walks, find reasons to move
- no food after dinner
- don’t stress about it too much. this is about being healthier, happier and more confident, but don’t beat yourself up about your current state. the deck is stacked against you with the medication you’re on, so things will not be as easy as they were before. hang in there, trust the process, revise these steps as needed